What does it mean that the AFLC is free?
It means, above all, that we are a church centered on the gospel. We make disciples by proclaiming the powerful gospel message—that Jesus Christ lived in perfect obedience to the Father, was crucified for our sin, was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to make all things new. We celebrate that His grace and forgiveness grant us true freedom to live with peace, joy, and hope.
This freedom in Christ is not only freedom from sin, death, and the devil, but freedom to experience Christian life with fellow believers under God’s guidance and grace. We believe that the congregation is where God’s Kingdom is manifested and experienced in this world. We cherish that the congregation is free to be led by God’s Word and Spirit. And we gladly cooperate in gospel mission with other like-minded congregations for the salvation of souls.
St. Olaf and Pukwana are member congregations of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. This article was first published by the AFLC on their social media accounts.