Christian Education Opportunities

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join us as we study God’s message to Christians who are suffering. Together, we are studying Peter’s First Letter to the Church.

We meet at St. Olaf on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month and at Pukwana Free Lutheran the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Our study starts at 6:30 PM each week. Most studies will be live streamed. If not, recordings will be available after the fact.

For access to the notes from Bible Study, follow this link.

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings after the service at St. Olaf, Sunday School is available for Pre-K through High School. All of the classes use a coordinated curriculum so that students are all learning from the same sections of the Bible each week.

Sunday School starts at approximately 10:15 AM.


This year, we will be studying Biblical Apologetics! Confirmation Class is open to youth in 7-8th grade students who are interested in confirming their faith through the study of God’s Word.

You can find class documents here.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1