What does it mean that the AFLC is Lutheran?
The AFLC is Lutheran because we acknowledge our need to see Jesus in all His grace and truth, and without obstruction. We cling to the Scriptures because we believe they are God’s inspired and inerrant Word that reveals Jesus to us. This Word is our ultimate authority and the source of our preaching and teaching. The Lord also unites His Word to the tangible gifts of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, by which He creates new spiritual life and nurtures His Church.
As Lutherans, we also recognize that we are branches on a tree with deep roots. We treasure the Holy Spirit’s work throughout time in the Church around the world. We affirm both the ancient creeds, which have unified believers throughout history, and the Lutheran confessions as faithful expositions of Scripture. We value the spiritual practices that the Lord has used to form His people, and we believe these truths and practices remain relevant for new generations in an ever-changing world.
St. Olaf Lutheran Church and Pukwana Free Lutheran Church are both members of the Association Free Lutheran Congregations. This article was first published on the AFLC’s social media accounts.